ell Your Legislators PBM Reform is Urgent for Community Pharmacies and Their Patients

Help us build on the momentum of our successful Congressional Pharmacy Fly-in and keep the pressure on Congress by calling or emailing your legislators TODAY and urge them to immediately act on PBM reform by including it in the upcoming FAA reauthorization.

Robust PBM reform made it right to goal line in March, but due to unrelated issues, it was not included in a government funding package. Your continued action engaging your legislators is critical to push this legislation across the finish line.

Tell Congress the costs of medications continue to increase, and decisive action is needed to protect patients, taxpayers and small business pharmacies. Urge support for the following bills that have received overwhelming support on the floor or in their committees of jurisdiction:

  • S. 2973, the Modernizing and Ensuring PBM Accountability (MEPA) Act (passed 26-1 out of the Senate Finance Committee)/H.R. 5378, the Lower Costs, More Transparency Act (passed the House of Representatives on an overwhelming bipartisan vote of 320-71)
    • Bans spread pricing in Medicaid managed care by requiring a fair and transparent reimbursement to pharmacies and saves over $1 billion!
  • S. 3430, Better Mental Health Care, Lower-Cost Drugs, and Extenders Act (unanimously passed the Senate Finance Committee)
    • Includes the No PBMs Act which requires CMS to define reasonable and relevant contract terms in Medicare.

With overwhelming bipartisan support, Congress must not miss this opportunity to act. Make your voice heard!

Click here for a flyer to display in your pharmacy to help your patients in taking action.

Take action here.