Category: Legislation

ell Your Legislators PBM Reform is Urgent for Community Pharmacies and Their Patients

Help us build on the momentum of our successful Congressional Pharmacy Fly-in and keep the pressure on Congress by calling or emailing your legislators TODAY and urge them to immediately act on PBM reform by including it in the upcoming

Public Hearing for HB941 and Medicaid Pharmacy Reimbursement

Senate Health and Human Services Committee 6/22/20, 10:00 a.m., Senate Chamber and Virtual Participation The committee held a public hearing on HB 941 and Medicaid pharmacy reimbursement. Video testimony here:  

Landmark PBM Reform Legislation Passed by PA House; Now to Senate for Consideration

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Landmark PBM Reform Legislation Passed by PA House; Now to Senate for Consideration Legislation to provide PBM transparency, lower prescription drug costs   HARRISBURG, Pa. (Jan. 29, 2020) — Your PA Community Pharmacies, a new coalition of

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending May 4, 2018

NCPA Urges CMS to Pursue Rulemaking Addressing Retroactive DIR Fees This week, NCPA sent a letter (see attached) to CMS urging the agency to move forward with proper rulemaking to require pharmacy DIRs to be accounted for at point-of-sale. The

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending April 27, 2018

NCPA Efforts Result in Key Pharmacy Protections in Senate and House Opioid Bills This week, both chambers of Congress took the first steps in advancing legislation to address the opioid crisis. The Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending April 20, 2018

NCPA Introduces MedPAC Nominee to Key Hill Staff This week NCPA government affairs staff accompanied NCPA’s Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) nominee Troy Trygstad to meetings with staff from key Congressional committees that have jurisdiction over Medicare. These included discussions

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending April 6, 2018

NCPA Congressional Pharmacy Summit Only Days Away The NCPA Congressional Pharmacy Summit is days away. Registration is available onsite for anyone who has not yet registered but still wants to take advantage of several CE opportunities as we provide you

Special NCPA Advocacy Center Update- CMS Issues Final 2019 Medicare Part D Rule and Call Letter

On April 2, 2018 The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services released their final Part D Rule and final Call Letter for 2019 Medicare Part D and Medicare Advantage plans. NCPA is conducting a thorough analysis of each and will

Advocates Urge Congress to Include Provider Status Bill

NACDS RxIMPACT launched an all-out letter-writing campaign the week of March 26, urging pharmacy advocates to spotlight the value of H.R. 592, The Pharmacy and Medically Underserved Areas Enforcement Act. Advocates should ask their representatives to include the legislation in

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending March 30, 2018

Online Registration Deadline Fast Approaching for NCPA Congressional Pharmacy Summit The deadline to register online for the NCPA Congressional Pharmacy Summit is Wednesday April 4.  Any registrations after that date must be done on site. Don’t miss the opportunity to

Unfair Pharmacy Reimbursement

Please see the attached memo. PA House of Representatives Memo-Unfair Reimbursement and PBM Gag

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending March 16, 2018

Only Hours Remain to Obtain Group Rate for Congressional Pharmacy Summit Hotel The deadline to reserve your room at NCPA’s group rate for the Congressional Pharmacy Summit is midnight tonight. If you have not registered and made your hotel reservation,

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending March 9, 2018

Cigna Seeks to Acquire Express Scripts; NCPA Expresses Concerns This week Cigna announced its intention to purchase Express Scripts. This announcement continues the consolidation trend in the health care marketplace and comes as regulators continue to examine the impacts on

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending February 23, 2018

NCPA member Richard Logan to testify before Congress next week: The House Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Health has scheduled a hearing on the opioid crisis entitled “Combating the Opioid Crisis: Helping Communities Balance Enforcement and Patient Safety” at 1

Pharmacy Reimbursement

Please watch this legislative video on pharmacy reimbursement.  

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending February 16, 2018

PBM industry concentration questioned as Senate, House review health care industry: At a House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations hearing on concentration in the health care system, concerns raised by NCPA about the PBM marketplace was one

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending February 9, 2018

Trump Administration budget proposal to address prescription drug prices: In advance of the Feb. 12 release of the President’s FY 2019 budget proposal, aides previewed a range of proposals intended to address prescription drug prices. The White House Council of

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending February 2, 2018

NCPA member Jake Olson shines at House hearing on compounding: Olson, pharmacist and owner of Skywalk Pharmacy in Milwaukee, Wis., testified before a Jan. 30 hearing of the House Energy & Commerce Health Subcommittee convened to examine FDA implementation of

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending January 26, 2018

21 Senators urge CMS to adopt revisions to pharmacy DIR fees: U.S. Senators Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) and Jon Tester (D-Mont.) organized a letter expressing bipartisan support to CMS for its proposed approach to pharmacy DIR fees. NCPA staff led

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending January 19, 2018

HHS offers assurance on continued Medicare, Medicaid payments despite government shutdown: The Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) published guidance hours ahead of the lapse in Congressional appropriations, saying that “the Medicare Program will continue largely without disruption,” “States

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending January 12, 2018

Efforts to support key provisions of the CMS’ proposed Part D rule kicked into high gear with several developments, including: 120-stakeholder letter to CMS supporting the agency’s announced consideration to require application of retroactive pharmacy DIR fees instead into the

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending January 5, 2018

Community pharmacy owners rank 2018 policy priorities: A recently concluded NCPA survey of independent community pharmacy owners identified their top policy issues for this year. In order of ranking, they are: 1) Eliminate retroactive pharmacy DIR fees; 2) Ensure MAC

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending December 22, 2017

Show your support for CMS’ Part D proposed rule: With the Jan. 16, 2018 deadline for comments approaching, NCPA continues to urge its members and allies to take grassroots action to back the measure. The proposal includes several NCPA-supported provisions,

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending December 15, 2017

NCPA’s Doug Hoey touts pharmacist savings, PBM reforms in Congressional testimony: The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health held a Dec. 13 hearing entitled “Examining the Drug Supply Chain.” The 10-person panel included the entire supply chain, from manufacturers

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending December 8, 2017

NCPA to testify before key health panel next week: The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health announced a Dec. 13 hearing entitled “Examining the Drug Supply Chain.” NCPA CEO Doug Hoey is scheduled to testify to share the community

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending December 1, 2017

HHS nominee Azar passes first confirmation test: Alex Azar, President Trump’s nominee to be HHS Secretary, outlined four priority issues during a three-hour Senate HELP Committee hearing: 1) address prescription drug prices; 2) advance affordable, consumer-focused health care; 3) enhance

NCPA Advocacy Center Update: Week Ending November 17, 2017

CMS Proposes Part D Changes, Including to Pharmacy DIR: In a 713-page proposed regulation covering an array of topics, the agency proposes to account for all pharmacy DIR at point-of-sale, as NCPA has recommended. CMS argues that the change would

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending November 3, 2017

House GOP Proposes Major Tax Overhaul: The wide-ranging plan would reduce tax rates for large corporations to 20% and small businesses to as low as 25% as well as phase out the estate tax for many Americans. However, for independent

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending October 28, 2017

House E&C Committee Holds Hearing on Opioid Crisis:  The Energy and Commerce Committee held a hearing this week on federal efforts to combat the opioid crisis. The committee heard from witnesses from the FDA, DEA, SAMHSA, CDC, and NIH on

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending October 21, 2017

PBM Practices Exposed at Senate HELP Hearing on Drug Pricing: On Tuesday, the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) committee held a hearing on how the drug delivery system affects drug pricing. Representatives on behalf of the brand and

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending October 14, 2017

NCPA to Discuss Impact of PBMs on Community Pharmacy at FTC Public Workshop:  As reported in last week’s update, the Federal Trade Commission will hold a workshop on November 8, 2017 entitled, “Understanding Competition in Prescription Drug Markets: Entry and Supply Chain

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending October 7, 2017

FTC to Conduct Workshop on November 8, Examining Prescription Drug Market Competition and PBMs:  NCPA is pleased that the Federal Trade Commission this week announced they will hold a workshop on November 8, 2017 entitled, “Understanding Competition in Prescription Drug Markets: Entry

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending September 30, 2017

Study Finds Medicare ‘DIR Fee’ Legislation Would Save Government Billions: Eliminating retroactive pharmacy payment reductions — or post point-of-sale pharmacy “DIR fees” — in Medicare Part D would save the federal government $3.4 billion over 10 years, according to a

NCPA Advocacy Center Update Week Ending September 23, 2017

Potential Senate Vote on ACA Repeal and Replace:  Senate Republicans are struggling to find a path forward on their latest bid to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and are heading toward a potential vote this week on

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending September 16, 2017

NCPA Co-Hosts Principles for Patient-Centered Prescription Drug Coverage Forum:  Greater oversight and transparency of pharmacy benefit managers’ actions will help to lessen the amount of control they wield over what medicines people can use, what they pay, and where they

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending September 9, 2017

Hurricane Emergency Preparedness Update: Healthcare Ready has activated the RxOpen map for Hurricane Irma. They will be actively tracking the storm and standing by ready to assist with requests for information or assistance, and information sharing. If you have partners

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending August 26, 2017

Important Information Regarding Pharmacy Services in Relation to Hurricane Harvey:  Healthcare Ready’s Rx Open is an interactive map that helps patients and providers find nearby open pharmacies in areas impacted by disaster. The map will be updated daily throughout the federally

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending August 5, 2017

President’s Commission on Combating Drug Addiction Interim Report Released:  The report, attached, includes recommendations for action by the President.  The Commission recommended that the President “declare a national emergency” that would empower Cabinet members “to take bold steps” and “force

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending July 29, 2017

GOP Health Care Overhaul Stalls Indefinitely:  The Senate rejected several proposals to repeal and/or replace the ACA, including a final attempt at a “skinny” repeal primarily targeted at the individual and employer insurance mandates. The votes likely end the remarkable,

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending June 30, 2017

MAC Update Amendment Included in House Defense Authorization Bill:  Congressman Austin Scott (R-GA) successfully added an amendment to the defense authorization bill to ensure that MAC lists are regularly updated in the TRICARE retail pharmacy program.  This is a big step

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending June 24, 2017

Senate Releases Its Version of ACA Repeal Bill:  This bill retains the protections on pre-existing conditions and insurers would still be required to accept all consumers.  However, this legislation would allow states to waive compliance with other rules that stipulate

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending June 17, 2017

Bill to Preserve Patient Access to Compounded Medications Introduced in the House:  This week Representatives Morgan Griffith (R-Va.) and Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) introduced H.R. 2871, the Preserving Patient Access to Compounded Medications Act of 2017.  NCPA, working with the Drug

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending June 10, 2017

NCPA Urges Key Medicaid Managed Care Rules Be Retained:   In light of the fact that the Administration is currently reviewing the policies included in the final Medicaid managed care rule released last year (88 Fed. Reg. 27498, May 6, 2016),

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending June 3, 2017

NCPA Submits Comments on CMS’ Proposed Guidance on DIR Reporting:  This week submitted comments to CMS regarding their proposed guidance on how Part D plan sponsors report direct and indirect remuneration (DIR). While the proposed CMS guidance will not change

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending May 20, 2017

CMS Releases Annual Part D Plan Sponsor DIR Reporting Guidance Including Details on Reporting Pharmacy DIR:  This week CMS released a memo proposing guidance for Part D sponsors on reporting DIR data for CY 2016.  Part D sponsors are required

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending May 13, 2017

NCPA CEO Discusses Prescription Drugs with HHS Secretary Price:  This week NCPA CEO Doug Hoey represented the organization in a meeting with the Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary, Dr. Tom Price. Earlier this year NCPA requested a meeting with

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending May 6, 2017

Medicare Pharmacy Choice and Access Bill Introduced in the Senate: The Ensuring Seniors Access to Local Pharmacies Act, S. 1044, was introduced by Senators Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Tom Cotton (R-AK) and Joe Manchin (D-WV).  The bill

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending April 29, 2017

NCPA Congressional Pharmacy Fly-In Wrap Up:  NCPA held its 49th annual meeting with over 200 independent community pharmacists visiting Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. this week to share with Congress real solutions to the problem of skyrocketing prescription drugs.  The

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending April 22, 2017

You Can Still Join the Fight Against PBMs. Come to D.C for the Congressional Fly-In April 26 & 27:  Emails, phone calls, and faxes to your elected officials in Washington can get their attention, but face-to-face meetings carry the greatest

NCPA Advocacy Center Update – Week Ending April 15, 2017

Specialty Rxs Require a Special Dispensing Fee Pharmacy Groups Tell CMS:  Concerned that states may not fully cover the cost of acquiring and dispensing Medicaid specialty drugs, NCPA, NACDS and the  National Association of Specialty Pharmacy  (NASP) wrote to CMS
